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Created Date 1/1/1999 10:10:10 AM


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BS EN 1991–1–4 Wind actions BS 6399: Part 3 BS EN 1991–1–5 Thermal actions – BS EN 1991–1–6 Actions during execution – BS EN 1991–1–7 Accidental actions – BS EN 1991–2 Traffic loads on bridges BD 37/88 BS EN 1991/07/31 BS 6399: Part 3: 1988 Loading for buildings - Code of practice for imposed roof loads BS 6461: Part 1: 1984 Installation of chimneys and flues for domestic appliances burning solid fuel (including wood and peat) - Code of practice BS 6399: Part 3: 1988 Loading for buildings - Code of practice for imposed roof loads AMD 6033 AMD 9187 AMD 9452 1 BS 6440: 1999 Powered lifting platforms for AMD 10960 2 BS 6461: Part 1: 1984 Installation of chimneys 3 BS 5395-3 November 29, 1985 Stairs, ladders and walkways - Part 3: Code of practice for the design of industrial type stairs, permanent ladders and walkways


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